Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Finished!

Finally, it's DONE!! Hope you enjoy these final photos and all the hard work Rod did to complete this monumental task. Compare this to the before pictures and you can appreciate all the hard work that went into this project. We both got testy at times, but Rod kept at it and produced a magnificent place to relax. He is a wonderful husband who puts up with a perfectionist wife who has grand ideas that she expects him to produce. I love you, Rod!

Thanks also to my son, Bryan, for his creative thoughts in designing this remodel. You are going to be an AWESOME architect! We are very proud of you!

I have a few more "touches" I will add along the way, my projects are never "done". Just keep in mind that most of the decorations and all of the greenery came from garage sales, you just have to know what to look for and how to use it when you get it home!

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